Monday, May 4, 2009

Justify A Research Topic

"barrier nursing" at the University of Salamanca to the spread of the virus "ejercitosina letalis" Protest-workshop

On Wednesday March 18 the group Alternative Antimilitarista - Salamanca MOC has entered the Job Fair at the University of Salamanca to take out an action to criticize the existence of armies and the incursion of this in the university area. The stock has benefited from the valuable support of l @ s Students Against Bologna whose closure coincided. Five experts

Virus disinfection Military ejercitosina letalis "have worked hard to alert students of military pollution, isolate and disinfect.

reproduce below the text of the leaflet which was distributed together with a vignette of the artist "the broken"

We condemn in the Job Fair of military involvement.

believe that the armed forces, producers of war and devastation, they should be accommodated at the University of Salamanca, home of International Law, which is required to promote human rights, solidarity and peace, and to investigate and disseminate these values \u200b\u200bthat have been emptied of their substance to dress in khaki. Hosts, but try to disguise themselves as NGOs, there to kill the service of economic and political interests. Their weapons are not just objects of display of power but of destruction and annihilation. We urge the university community that dignify the University avoiding military research, teaching (what lessons!) Military and informative posts like this one from the Job Fair.

"War is not an isolated event, is the consequence of injustice and imbalance caused by each of the people with our passivity delegate our power in the power of force."
Antimilitarista - (AA -MOC)

You can see more pictures and videos:

Pokemon Emerald Rom Blog

empZar 09: Ingenier @ s of an army of laughter taught to build weapons

April 29 saw the V Job Fair at the University of Zaragoza, where, in parallel, it was reported, again involving arms companies such as Indra and EADS.

A clown army action (army of clowns who ridiculed the militarism) created a striking space of protest against the University preferential treatment given to these companies make money with the trade of war. A workshop production of weapons of mass happiness ended with firing a small rocket petardillo has flooded all of confetti, streamers and bright, with video HOME background with military aircraft.

You can see the complete chronicle, more photos and videos:

Press Release:

A year , we wish to draw attention to the presence of companies producing military hardware that should not fit between the job opportunities presented to us by the University of Zaragoza. The economic benefit may represent contradicts the statutes of the University of Zaragoza declaring that their efforts should promote "a framework of thought in which human rights, solidarity between generations, sustainable development and peace are the subject of research, training and dissemination in all fields, in addition to ensuring "that their inventions and research contracts are used to promote peace and disarmament" . We want to restate that this statement is no longer theoretical institutional rhetoric to become indispensable performance criteria for the University.

We express our protest firmly and decisively, we can not allow ourselves to become complicit in the presence of the arms industry at our university, and less with the aim of directing future graduates to become part of nasty business of war. All weapons only serve to cause death and suffering, therefore, we reject that college students to sell us a job among the merchants of arms.

Information on the companies involved:

Indra is the third English military company by turnover, and the first in military electronics. It manufactures electronic warfare systems, missile and development of information technologies for military applications. Is present in major weapons programs in the English army, one of the key players when the upward pressure military budget. Also provides equipment to governments on five continents, the main foreign supplier of U.S. Navy. Among other things provides essential equipment for combat aircraft F-18, star of the bombing of Iraq.

European consortium EADS is a manufacturer of military aircraft, missiles and defense electronics. He has been accused of participating in some matters particularly murky as providing arms to countries without considering the political and economic consequences, use bribes to increase sales in South Africa and using threats of trade wars by losing a public auction in South Korea. It is also important to note that EADS develops key components for the manufacture of cluster bombs, which meet the definition of prohibited weapons by the United Nations Convention in 1980. These pumps are used to bomb targets scattered, usually causing extensive damage to the civilian population (98% of its victims are civilians) even long after the bombing ended, as parts can be buried for years without exploding. Meanwhile

EDS, among other activities, are dedicated to providing the armies of computer and telecommunications infrastructure, logistics support, modernization and support for various computer and electronic services. As U.S. and British armies their main customers. COLLECTIVE

attached to the International War Resisters (IRG-WRI)