Source: Red and Black
Original in Catalan in Catalonia CGT
The image is not widely known is that only those who work in the classrooms of schools and institutions of this country, but in these fields and has become the norm.
A group of boys and girls watch from their desks for an agent of the Catalan police with one hand on the gun and the other resting on the stick, like a real 'cow boy' explains "the dangers of the Internet" or any other body shops that offered free police to schools in the four provinces. There to pick and choose, including one for primary schools in which, to familiarize children with the police, they put handcuffs and are taught the various models that officers used batons against "bad "they deserve. To handcuff a child, previously asked the agent who's the baddest of the class? " And the students respond and say the victim of the show. In
and anecdotes told by teachers and by teachers who have been in the classroom as there are so many "classes" give the military a lot. Why do his talk armed? Well, according to the Ministry of Interior, for the club, called defense, and gun, pistol called, are part of the uniform and can not be separated. You who reíais of the nonsense and absurdities that military discipline applied to the lives of young people who did the "military" and you can laugh at the follies and absurdities of police discipline called "part of the uniform" weapons agents used. A club is a club and a gun a gun. Neither are any uniform or part thereof.
Last academic year, a Catalan police that one of these talks was a center of Penedès, with gun and baton, when questioned about why he to carry a gun into the classroom and said that the children became accustomed to democratic policing enjoyed, because the police had always been associated with repression and change now, seeing the weapons and able to touch them gave another impression. The content, which, as you see, is not too worked for the moment, but I will update, do not worry. Of course, we hope that students, when they go to college, do not dare to protest their privatization or whatever, because while other club professionals in your ribs the discharge of the agent's words will ring misleading.
As it seems that all this right now we are in diapers and Interior plans directly targeted at policializar educational spaces, or what is the same but the more refined day in and day familiarizing students with uniforms, batons and guns, a group of teachers and teachers have joined in a campaign to demilitarize the name of Education is trying to say out loud what everyone sees and knows. And what everyone sees and knows, For the king is naked or, which is, that the Autonomous carry guns and batons in the classroom and, in a classroom, these "parts of the uniform" not just redundant, but should be prohibited. Therefore, from that campaign has been proposed the cloisters of the schools of Catalonia to take arrangements in the sense that if the change in attitude Moss to stay at the door, because schools must be and are places of peace, and therefore free of weapons. And if the cloisters not accept that all is in the vineyard of the Lord ... Maragall, then there is always the teachers' personal decision to object to the armed. Teach with a gun is a contradiction and if they do not understand must be told loud and clear that now or ever want there guns in schools in Catalonia. Now or ever.
Jordi Martí Font, coordinator of "Catalunya"