are still being sold (and bought) Jordi Martí By Armando .
few days ago we were waiting outside the school to reach the three to open the door when two children armed with toy guns approached us for "kill."
My son and other children who apparently had not seen a gun toy in his life, were amazed, still, bowlegged before the "bang, bang, dead of these children. Hallucinated
we were also the parents of that in 2009, in the XXI century
still sold and buy war toys.
We play with them "What's wrong?", Many parents wonder, "we also play with them." And it's true, I had a gun with a cork and rope jumping when shooting. I had a gun that looked real but was only the sound of a firecracker to shoot water pistols and I certainly had more weapons that I can not remember and look, "I'm not a murderer or criminal."
Hundreds of people are able to say they had no weapons and have become murderers, but of course, I doubt the offender or the current actual murderer ever say "I had weapons and war toys and, well, yes, I became the character of my childhood games. "
So I do not know if having toy guns or may not predispose to generate potentially violent adults, so that the debate should not go around here, looking for "what's wrong", but elsewhere, asking: "What's good ?."
What's good? Nothing. Adds nothing to the boy who shoots except fun to imagine having the power to do harm to others (if it comes to imagine, because many did not know or what is death) and adds nothing to the child get the shot, because I do not have to understand that he has been killed.
One may think it's fun to play cowboys and Indians and that he who shoots first wins. Okay, it can be fun, but you can use other similar games that nobody kills nobody and need to be, for example, play and avoid being touched.
As a parent I got really bad shots of these two children. Do not make me any mercy, and although I love playing with children and clowning around, getting shot does not fall within what I consider a fun game, so I limit myself to sit still in plan "if you shoot me, I'm invincible" .
I think we have seen too much pain adults today simply turning on the television at three in the afternoon as to enable our children to play hurt others.