15 years I've been training and half of them face training compatibilizing and online training. Long time to have seen just about everything, but obviously there are always new things, challenges and, of course, problems.
The last course in the form of e-learning in which I participated as a teacher-tutor began as many. The proposal called for me to participate, preparatory meeting, and there, the surprise will have over 500 students in the virtual classroom. Of course, as one puts a macho face of circumstances, the typical "I am in charge" and drop the usual, "Well, is not a physical classroom, so I'm sure that goes well." Well
out yet, but at the expense of hardness inherent in a number of students so immense. I think interesting to write here some aspects that may help to pass him something similar.
First problem. "I am me ... and my circumstances", ie the profile of students. Internet module. Well, you know, explain how a browser, a browser, mail ... Something "sucked" for anyone who takes more than a decade on the internet. Surely you do it right. Although students in the classroom find that they could have invented the Internet Vint Cerf while the thing starts to become complex. Especially if they share with other virtual console are discovering what the hell is this about the arroba. Solution: permanent presence in the Virtual Classroom. Propose topics beyond the documentation. Join all discussions. Trying to maintain a balance between the more advanced students and laggards. And above all, be assertive. There are many people who know more than you.
second problem. "Noise!". Dozens of messages, many of them repeated or on the same issue. Especially in the early stages of the course. Virtual classroom full of new items to scare at sight. Solution: permanent presence in the Virtual Classroom. Especially the first few days, trying to redirect the discussion to a single repeated discussion space. Working through private reassure those who feel lost before you start.
Third problem. "This pedals will. "Technology is advancing, but will never be perfect. The waiting times are continuing and frustrating to anyone. Solution: patience and be positive again. Try something unnerving becomes anecdotal. Try to make it worth waiting . Can be done without suffering the same problems remain in the Aua?

problem. "The petrol bomb." A good day is a debate that is poorly understood. Within minutes, the snowball grows and what is going on silk becomes virtual grudges and bitter words. Solution: Water as soon as possible. In private and from coordination, understanding and close the problem. And again presence in Virtual Classroom. Debating on what really matters, and be fun. Did not We like jokes in a class? If you are as necessary as we have supposedly serious ;-) ... Sixth
problem. "Surely you understand and take a 10." Come assessments and the students return to be it, students get scared of not getting a good grade. You prepare an assessment that avoids the "Paint and Color", the revised thousand times and you begin the evaluation period, you realize he should have checked at least a thousand times. Errors in the questionnaire or badly formulated questions. Sure, who is going to happen send 25 megabytes via email in an attached file. So you pose a question exhaustively so that all can say no. And once more you are wrong. Sure you can! Doing is outrageous, but you can and you do not ask if it goes against all logic. And is not the only mistake. So the expected 10 becomes an 8 or a 6 or a miserable aprobaducho. Now you are not satisfied students have passed a simple test, but adults who feel cheated pissed and exercise their right to protest. The "incendiary bomb" is small. Begin the "Clone Wars" in the amount of times to repeat the same message on issue after issue. Solution: take the errors. In public and in private. The times they are needed. Learn internally so that does not happen again but above all to move participants to the important is not the result of the questionnaire. That learning is beyond measure with 10 questions on a test. Seventh
problem. "Goodbye to the heart." It's been 3 weeks and feel that wearing life stuck in a virtual world. It is time to close the course and give way to another. Problem? Will in any case relief. Ummm ... yes, but what I now like the mono substituted for virtual discussion?
Thus, a boat soon. Without wishing to theorize on the subject. Simply analyzing the experiences quickly. We return to the top. Many years devoted to training. Enjoying it. And be aware that both face over the Internet is a drug, hard and sweet at the same time ...
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