Day 5 January. Day of chaos for chaotic as the undersigned. For those who wait until the last minute and for the gifts of Kings just assuming a nightmare the last time. Even so, there is always the internet. And what better way to solve the gift of my beloved parents with a pair of tickets to the opera. Yes, that's hot cult show to give away, although I prefer other sounds that have nothing to do with these coos.
After reviewing the different options I find that La Traviata, Verdi's classic opera, will be performed next week in Madrid and it is possible to do online shopping through
. Nothing, then the problem is solved at least my beloved parents have a gift "experience" of those who both carried today.
Paseo and reeds. Y after they stop at an ATM of Caja Madrid for 2 tickets to print when the problem arises. The dispenser runs out of ink mid-print the first entry ticket that does not even appear. I try another cashier and it only print one of them. The other, supposedly, is already in my possession.
As I do not want to be responsible for a marital crisis after 40 years of happy living, my blood is horrible. Ummm, there's a phone, 902 to be exact, in the cashier. Quick call with three minutes waiting to receive the dreaded answer: "You call those men to
and tell the problem."
second call, in this case the online sellers. Another two or three minutes of waiting and retelling the same: "Look, I have a ticket but I paid 2. The need for today. Tomorrow is Reyes, please HELP. and then the nightmare begins, "we can not do anything" "Go you to the box office and protested." "Resurrect to Verdi and to touch La Traviata at home" is what has been missing for the icing. New
calls, one, two, three, even four, to the wonderful 902, one day these were created to share the costs between the company and the customer and, finally, after protests, threats of pests Egypt and burn to bonzo outside its headquarters, five hours later, I have solved the problem my gift of kings and safe at home.
Now, what if instead of me, and with the wonderful help of someone who does not let the tread would have been my parents? "6 calls to a 902? "Ranting, screaming, a spoiled food? And still we talk about web 2.0? As in Electronic Commerce in the fourth and half we ...
(I swear it planned to publish the name of the Lord of, with a total lack of understanding and tact has served. But since the spirit of the Magi overwhelms me, I'll leave to get it the claim that I do in . Fortunately, I have become Caja Madrid to show that stupidity does not have much to do with business but sometimes they work with them)