years ago that I am absolutely convinced of telework. Possibly because if there's anything I hate in this world is to meet within the walls of an office, how large that it can be. In fact, since I started working, back when they finished the major projects (the Expo, the Olympics, my career ...) I always wondered what was the point of spending hours and hours in an office.
arguments in its favor are always similar: if socializing with your colleagues, that if a better distribution of work time, if the control by la empresa... Argumentos contra los que no puedo dejar de rebelarme. Hoy, mientras hablaba con una alumna sobre el tema volvía a encenderme. Que me expliquen cuantas veces no podría estar en mi casa haciendo lo mismo, o mejor aún, trabajando, en vez de simular que lo hago. Mis compañeros no son mis amigos, y de hecho socializo mucho mejor con el mail. ¿Y acaso no pueden controlarme por mi trabajo realizado, no por las horas fingiendo el mucho trabajo que tengo?
Soy profesor y disfruto con la formación presencial, mucho más que con la on line, claro. Pero al final, siempre acaban exigiéndote que pases horas en las que "se te vea". No las que te dedicas a dar clase, ni las que dedicas a la atención al alumno, but those you spend your figure walk for hours on end at the School, showing the world your immense concern and the importance of your mission to save as a star that lights the hall.

Why? I keep wondering about that. The company saves if I work from home. Evita aside an office for lost time, eliminates the distractions of coffee and more coffee, and best, has a clear element of control: make me work for objective, clear, well-marked and verifiable ... Or did not know how? Will this be the problem?
I love working from home. Teach my classes and return to the comfort of my home where I become really a man multitasking (it just so), writing an article looking for information on other, answering emails, responding to the messenger, participating in a forum posting on my blogs, downloading music, listening to Heavy Metal and taking me a beer, all at the same time.
I've never been late for a delivery, while I teleworker. And I've always been much happier. And cheaper. More profitable. More productive. Well, I'm still a freak. In short, will not I have enough tabs open ...
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