ago I used Wordpress A couple of years. And he ended up catching the taste, the way things are. I left and I moved to Blogger, which until now has helped me to dozens of projects related to the blogosphere. Of course I "tinkering" with, The Shaker,, Livejournal and not many more. There must be tens of mine blogosphere bodies in the ether of the web. But I have not removed the eye never Wordpress, seeing more and more bloggers chose this CMS.
This morning I wanted to do an exercise with him, so that timing, I made a WP installation . From the time of discharge to their own based on my server 40 minutes. Not bad, considering that as a stump computer, I usually just sticking with the happy config.php, the folder permissions and errors such as "blue screen of death" applied to MySQL CMS I usually take the "advanced "Type Joomla, Drupal and Elgg.
tutorials on the web there are tens, so I will not repeat what is well written and explained. I used the Super Ayudawordpress . More simply impossible. So within a few minutes and had a working installation. Within the blink of an eye I changed the template by choosing a Theme of the thousands who also shared online, so even before go to class and was again a running Wordpress.
Of course, my concern for the afternoon was on the other side. Starting from scratch is easy, and no surprise to anyone who had worked in the blogosphere. What scared me was the migration from blogger. I had read several times already classic post Blogstudio of migration of the Luis Rull , and all I can say is that I inspired a lot of laziness. And even had tried to make myself a migration to a previous installation and I had been impossible. So that was in the same starting point: I have a wordpress installed but it remains to be done ... Until I happened to try the little button to import y. .. ! Voila! in less than a minute over 300 posts with their comments and tidy imported into the database without any problem.
Anyway, you have to tip my hat to Wordpress and I also had to contribute my bit here to give soap to understand that an application has become the fastest growing among the world's bloggers .