express our warmest feelings of sympathy and affection for the family of Isaias Carrasco, whose only crime has been represented as Councillor of Mondragón citizens who voted democratically. Also express our sympathy and solidarity with the Socialist Party and the Union General de Trabajadores de Euskadi.
All political and social organizations undersigned express our most outright condemnation and the most emphatic rejection of this new criminal attack by ETA. We all assumed that another victim of terrorism itself. We are all ready to respond to this aggression in a firm and united to defend freedom and defeat ETA, through the unique strength of the rule of law.
support and endorsement of the Security Forces of the State, they will get, as so often, that the murderers are brought to justice and pay for his crime.
ETA has killed a worker and who was a representative of the citizens. It has done so on the eve of an election. It is a double challenge to democracy and freedoms find democratic response to this crime deserves. Never get anywhere. Awaits only the law enforcement, the police action and the exercise of justice.
The undersigned organizations call upon citizens to respond to this crime from the serenity and firmness from democratic. Democratic elections next Sunday will become a new victory of freedom. ETA has failed or will ever get to twist the free will of citizens.
Al terrorism can only fight and defeat the unity of the Democrats and the strength of the rule of law.
The undersigned organizations support all calls and demonstrations as agreed by the political and social forces of the Basque Country to express the public revulsion at this crime. We therefore support the merger called by these political and social forces in Mondragon on Monday March 10, and the concentration convened to date by the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
Congress of Deputies. Madrid, March 7, 2008.
Signatories: PSOE, PP, CiU, ERC, PNV, IU-ICV, BNG, CC, CHA, EA, Na-Bai, NC, CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO, UGT and the USO.
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