The self-congratulation and complacency, these are the mistakes that sometimes we tend to fall and cause us to distort the true reason for the Labour Party: to show our incorformismo the inequities and social injustices at the same time claim a better living model that respects the rights and civil liberties. Let's stop navel-gazing, even for a day and go out into the streets to make our voices heard against precarious employment, labor rights violations, inequalities of all kinds at work, etc.
But today is a day that traditionally have gone socialist to the streets against any kind of violent action (wars, terrorist attacks, etc..). Therefore maybe today should be reminded that ETA terrorists are not going to intimidate to their threats and attacks and show our solidarity and support for the Basque society, especially living so close to violence. It is paradoxical to think that, while in Extremadura today we will go to the street peacefully without fear of reprisal, in the Basque Country most of its citizens can not freely exercise this right for fear of terror ...
In any case, this will be my first time to celebrate May Day manifesting. I know this days should not lose its fun and festive, but do not forget the time when the various branches of socialism (political and trade union) was a pineapple aside their legitimate, though not always comprehensible, rivalries to fight for a more free, prosperous and egalitarian. ALL / AS A MERIDA!
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