And what Rajoy? At this time must be smoking a cigar watching the game for the English, also savoring his victory and to be rid of stock as "collaborators" in the last legislature helped foster a level of political tension we all had to unsustainable support, knowing that you did a disservice to the general interests and the peaceful coexistence of the English. But Paradoxically, now emerges a new PP, led by Mariano Rajoy a brand who forgets his past radical and 'pancartero' latest after falling from his horse and be illuminated by the divine spirit of centrism ... I do not know how to take the electorate Mariano act on what he said the bright Groucho Marx: "These are my principles. If you do not like, I have others" . Perhaps this behavior may have a more scientific explanation: Mariano acting like chameleons, which not only alter their skin to blend into the environment in which they live, but also to link or to scare their male rivals ...
hope that preaches moderation today let tomorrow's Socialist government and the new PP Marianist begin to agree on major matters of state that beset us. If, as I said my grandmother, this man "the same applies to pa pa a broken one unstitched" ...
PS: Forges bullet headed post appeared today in the newspaper El Pais .
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