This year, the Army has been invited back to participate in the Education Fair of Barcelona. From the conviction that the mission of educational institutions and agents is to promote culture, science and values \u200b\u200bof coexistence and diversity, the Campaign "demilitarize education" believes that military and education are clearly antagonistic concepts.
The manifesto drawn from the campaign Desmilitaritzem l'Educació "propaganda claims that the youth receives from the Ministry of Defence is misleading, shows an idyllic image of military life and sweetens the role of the English armed forces in armed conflicts . He argues that in a context of severe economic crisis and budget cuts, it is intolerable that public money is devoted to promoting military, militarism and the culture of defense, and expensive advertising campaigns, recruitment and improving the image of the armed forces when there are other top priorities in our country. Campaign Desmilitaritzem
l'Educació and the Catalan Federation of NGOs for Pau, Human Rights and Development in a joint statement on December 21, 2010, demanded the government to reconsider the call for grants for the promotion and dissemination defense of culture and image of the Armed Forces for 2011, awarding a total of € 645,370 to promote courses, seminars, forums and research projects to the general public and in schools addressing issues such as the English Security Strategy or the new NATO Strategic Concept l'. The statement called on the other hand that the government will prioritize the promotion of a culture of peace through research and education for peace and humanitarian action and cooperation demilitarized.
This issue came to the Congress of Deputies, on 23 February, thanks to a question of CiU, which Congress ultimately unanimously urged the Government to ensure that the Ministry of Defence effectively fulfills the Law on Advertising and Communication Institutional 2005, and to continue the policy of austerity and reduction of expenditure on defense propaganda.
For all this, and consistent with the values \u200b\u200bfor a culture for peace and demilitarization of education to the classroom, the campaign "Desmilitaritzem l'Educació" expressed its strong opposition to the military presence in the Hall of Education and enjoined the Department of Education, acting as coordinator, and the Feria de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas an organizer, to withdraw the invitation for this year and next.
More information: http://desmilitaritzem.blog.pangea.org/?p=542
Spread on Twitter: http://bit.ly/de6yj7
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