days have triggered speculation about whether or not there will 9th season of One Tree Hill . A variety of views, some believe that there is nothing more to tell, you should not extend the number of unnecessary and others who are in their prime and can not finish. In the Zap2it web surveys have been conducted for fans to give our opinion on the series to be canceled and which should continue. One Tree Hill has been supported by more than 50% of the fans .
few weeks ago the possibility of a 9 th season was just a rumor and said that the cast only James Lafferty (Nathan) would be willing to sign. But now the players have spoken about it: Bethany
Joy Galeotti (Haley) officially signed for a 9 th season, she has confirmed in his Twiiter) and although it is not certain that the series will follow this is a good sign.
Furthermore sources close to James Lafferty say he would be willing to play Nathan, at least part time.
And the new season would also include Sophia Bush . She was confirmed on Monday night in the same network to Joy. Tweeted that she, Austin Nichols, Robert Buckley, Lisa Goldstein and Jana Kramer would be in the 9 th season and the writers have big plans for series.
Well, loyal fans ... I'm officially in for a final season of One Tree Hill. The writers have big plans. Now all we need the CW renewed. ;)
The issue of Leyton it is not clear if there was a new season. I guess having trouble Hilarie would return but Chad has tweeted that does not know whether he will or not.
"Back to One Tree Hill? I do not know. Maybe next season for you. I love that misses Lucas. The credit goes to Mark Schwahn. He created.
the end what counts is the decision of the CW and it is essential the support of the fans. If you want to OTH has a 9 th season, this is the time of your support mostar.
pinch, Zap2it , TVLine , TVfanatic and especially you who have been reporting all the chat. Thanks!