Saturday, February 9, 2008

Formal Dresses With Flat Shoes

Want to know who have blocked / deleted you on MSN? They do not give your password to strangers (Against the ready for DDoS)

Genbeta In solidarity with and Meneame (not being the only) by the DDoS attack who are suffering from various lammers not agree with a particular post, I also believe it is necessary to publish:

Want to know who have blocked / deleted on MSN? They do not give your password to strangers

seems incredible that after so long (years!) The invention of this fraud there are still people who keep falling into it. It is very simple, and sure many know him, is simply pages that offer the service to show you who you is blocked or deleted you from Mésenyer in return you give them your data connection, ie your username and password. I thought this business was already more than dead, but today a couple of my contacts I have jumped with the typical window that I access one of these pages for me to read the future .

As a general rule, give the password to your email to someone outside your family and technological is suicide, and in this case would be like giving the password to your credit card to a stranger for show you the money you have. Want to know what they do? Most pages, then to show that information, connect to your account several times a day to annoy all your contacts with blatant spam. Worse, it can clog your account and not unlikely that the loss forever, or at least the connection is terrible. So you know, do not give your password to any website, or infringes the consequences.

Of course, you want to know who is not supported! Surprise: these sites, besides being dangerous, not work. Microsoft changed the protocol for some time that the msn servers did not divulge this information. Before he could, but now can not even know state of another person without that she will invite / support or without knowing the password of the account (without changing the account settings.) Without digging too much, some fraudulent sites follow this practice are:,,,,, blockstatus, etc ... All of them are potential phishing , and none operates beyond collecting mailboxes. Sorry

advanced readers who have already outgrown this kind of facile tricks long ago, but today I reconnected to the messenger liability and I've noticed that things have changed very little.

Original article

Discussion Meneame

The blogosphere united against these undesirables. If they want war ... WAR!!

If you have a blog ... publish!


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