Monday, April 14, 2008

What Episode Does Tea Turn Into Dark

civic republicanism Viva! Victories and defeats

On April 14,
what day so memorable!
exploded Republic,
gone are the cowards.

If not for the guards of assault,
the election day
filled between tears and blood
jail and the cemetery.

POPULAR SONG OF THE YEAR 30. Collection in Alconchel.

may be a bit shocking to me, "juancarlista" recognized, to start looking this way ... I read long ago that King Juan Carlos does not like the English people declare "juancarlistas" precisely because he prefers that we are monarchists. I am among those who recognize the historical and institutional current Head of State, the role of moderator who adopted during the transition, too, am of the opinion that if it costs us one hundred percent support a President of the Government of a or other political signal hardly bear to the English President of the Republic of PP or PSOE ... At least, that today the vast majority support the present constitutional system, political and institutional stability that has meant in the past 30 years and that if they wanted other countries such as Italy.

Day April 14. One day, rather than to claim a Third Republic, to reaffirm the principles and values \u200b\u200bthat inspired the Second Republic. Fortunately, they are the same as today assumed in our social and democratic state of law , which includes the 1978 Constitution as a clear heir to the 1931. For me republicanism is more than just assert a new form of State, on the contrary to set the sole purpose of eliminating the monarchy and political action based on this order and make certain ideological minorities when they are victims of their own mistakes, require change in the rules of democracy to accommodate their interests.

And by coincidence, today was born April 14 new PSOE government chaired by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero , what exactly will the ideological support 'civic republicanism' that always defended on the basis proposed Ten Commandments the famous philosopher and political scientist Philip Pettit :

1) "Republicanism": advocated that people are citizens, not subjects, and therefore has no right to decide about life or liberty of another person.

2) The State has the power, precisely to avoid that strong to take as subjects some weaknesses. But who limits the power of the state to avoid being overbearing? As the free media, transparency of information and citizens through social movements and organizations that are heard in the media.

3) is important for the State to guarantee and promote freedom and independence of the media and associations and NGOs who have dissenting voices. control mechanisms will to power. The TV, press, must be monitored by independent bodies, the mandates of the directors of the TV does not have to coincide with changes of government. Public institutions have to pick "the feelings of the other party."

4) The republican tradition is federalism, not the French Jacobinism. Rousseau's idea (taken from absolutist as Bodin or Hobbes) that is a monolithic voice of the sovereign people is disastrous: the voice of the people is plural, there are many voices that must be expressed, and the power must tend to be divided , always in a process of checks and balances.

5) Republicanism is not incompatible with the monarchy : Rousseau was right in saying that a monarchy where the king is subject to the law and there is a rule of law must be called republic. The important thing is freedom, and freedom is not a national of one.

6) Machiavelli's The Discourses (not of the Prince), was right to say that good laws create good habits and good habits good laws, we should promote this virtuous circle.

7) United States lacks counter it is dangerous for the world this lack of balance. Small countries should ally: the European Union has no choice and more necessary each time you see your vocation counter.

8) Governments need to create control networks large multinational corporations and force them to play with certain rules, do not let them are imposed.

9) Globalization is not compatible with the guard and enormous rich-country subsidies to their agricultural or manufacturing sectors, while forcing the poor to open their markets.

10) There are three basic principles in democracy: elections for a limited period, separation of powers and rule of law applicable everyone.

Well, that, in the XXI century fight for civic republicanism in this "republican monarchy" ...


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