Friday, February 29, 2008
Rubbing Tight Cunt Close Up
And like ETA, Aznar also enters the scene accusing the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero to continue to negotiate with ETA (no longer remembers his days of 'Basque Liberation Movement' ). And the funny thing is that this is said while the security forces and dismantle commands, stopping dozens of ETA bombings and aborted attempts, while from the Home Office is warning the public that we must not lower our guard against foreseeable terrorist violence.
For this reason I'm lost here not really knowing who is who in this play ... Is not it ironic ETA attack on their partners in the negotiation that was going to break Spain that sale would Navarra and kneel to the state of law to the 'Basque Liberation Movement' ? ETA also calls on voters to abstain from 9-M ... Who seek to harm this time with this premise? Popular Party does not, of course. In fact, this is the strategy that the PP has not blush to acknowledge, demobilize the electorate to the probable victory of the PSOE in the next election ...
Again, and however hard it may seem such a statement, PP need and use the terrorism of ETA to try to win an election . How can you be so naughty?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Restaurant Seating Chart Templates

This statement, which could only come from someone with so much spark as its author, could be extrapolated to the political situation in Extremadura unless the regional PP leader had not decided to jump into regional politics after having tried unsuccessfully to become President of the Junta de Extremadura on two consecutive occasions ... Carlos Floriano seeks his private accommodation through public life without caring too Extremadura, without meeting his word to the electorate, leaving in the lurch Guillermo Fernández Vara. He has spoken both in recent years "commitment to Extremadura" , now goes to Madrid, leaving only sad and regional People's Party ... I understand that the President of the Junta de Extremadura insist on claiming a valid interlocutor and stable PP, but I think Florian is now best placed to agree on the reform of the Statute of Autonomy, especially when, barring surprises, will leave PP regional leadership and take shelter as all his predecessors in the seat in Parliament ...
Pug With Growth On Lip
Next week will be held in Madrid a course that I think can be very interesting and why I like to spend. Have to be in the afternoon, as I have busy morning classes, but from 15:30 it will be interesting to go see Enrique Dans, Tíscar Lara and Antonio Fumero, among others.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Pink And Blue Car Commercial
is not the same TRUTH to make up lies
is not the same STABLE WORK FOR EMPLOYMENT to reduce stroke Decretazo rights
is not the same COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE to talk about the weather with your cousin. What will be the same worry about global warming to ask your cousin to say "no big deal" ?
is not the same REMOVE TROOPS FROM IRAQ to participate in an illegal war. What will be the same as being against an unjust and illegal war play war with the powerful thinking that gets to the global elite?
is not the same RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE to be the minimum salary. What will be the same as raising the minimum wage of 460 € to 600 € to reduce taxes that mostly benefit the most are?
is not the same DEPENDENCY LAW to depend on whether your family can take care of you. What will be the same as approving the Dependency Act to grant "specific support" ?
is not the same QUALITY PUBLIC EDUCATION that segregation compulsory revalidation and religion double
is not the same PROMOTE EQUALITY think that everything should stay the same. What will be the same struggle for the rights of women who have recourse to justice?
is not the same DIALOGUE that tension. What will be the same as asking permission to parliament to try to use terrorism to the victims of terrorism, deny that they negotiated (ETA calling 'Basque Liberation Movement' ) and deceive on the authorship of the attack 11-M?
is not the same CITIZENS RIGHTS EXTEND to hide behind an altar. What will be the same as a secular country to take the hand of the Episcopal Conference haranguing all your decisions? What will be the same who passes laws courageous and progressive, such as divorce or abortion, which he vehemently rejects and when it receives them and does not dare to repeal?
is not the same HOUSING POLICY MAKING that encourage speculation
is not the same RECOGNIZE THE RIGHTS OF GAYS AND LESBIANS be confused with pears and apples. What will be the same recognition deny them rights to homosexuals?
What will be the same Joan Manuel Serrat, Joaquin Sabina, Miguel Bosé, Ana Belén, Pedro Almodovar, ETC. , Norma Duval and Lina Morgan (though the fee also benefit ...)?
Monday, February 25, 2008
What Will A Urine Culture Show

Right-handers did not need more presentation. As there was no need to wait to see the end of the debate last night to dictate which of them deserves to leave through the front door, and who the angry and pads of the majority of the electorate who were glued to the television last night.
The evening looks promising. The Academy of Television company to set up the run, is very deeply involved in preparations for the "National Day" . The expectation was that in recent weeks, which is sold out until at resale. The modern covered market was crowded, but the other day in Valencia, and millions of viewers copamos all lines to witness the biggest bullfighting event of democracy in the past three decades. The respective attorneys agreed to the smallest Details from the draw for the bulls to the color and ornamentation of the capes of paseíllo ... In addition, the two killers and their retinues, and the environment had been warming in recent days.
and started the run with the approval of the Presidency, this time was more clueless than 15 years ago in the moderation of the fight. The bullpen door opened and both had to struggle to equal the number of cattle farms: economic and employment, social affairs, foreign and security policy, institutional policies and future challenges. Sounded the bugle and teachers, acting as a junior and biting, left the arena to be heard.
Rajoy In the first third went in, cape in hand struggle, trying to harass directly and running your first lot of sticks, criticized the performance of the economy and accuses the Government encizañar society. For his part, Zapatero has not lost the nerve and stops the bull after a parry by chicuelinas him, while right-wing opposition has been dedicated to twitching and cursing, the figures show that the slowdown "world" not to nick the economic growth country.
They sound the trumpets and timpani in the second third and Rajoy runs its predictable and tiresome kind of flags: ETA terrorism, immigration mass and the break up of Spain, despite the blast of the public in the stands, the "bull" of terrorism was not returned to the pens. The Prime Minister, as a great figure of bullfighting which is, again gave example and withstood the onslaught veronicas, recalled the hundreds of people killed by ETA and the 11-M that was in the legislature in 2000-2004, compared to 4 ETA killings, refreshed his memory on the legalization of immigrants with "bono-bus" in the stage of Aznar and the Popular Party accused of using the Statute of Catalonia to destabilize government institutions for partisan purposes.
the end sounds the last change of pace and right-handers were at about the fate supreme. Rajoy was determined to continue fighting bulls with terrorism by using their victims, and sword in hand called the vote by stressing the idea of \u200b\u200bSpain. For his part, Zapatero came to kill with his sword to advocate for artists and scientists (mentioning the 'Oscar-winning' Javier Bardem), committing to improve and expand social rights and by Spain to defend "peace and equality in the world ", after finish the job, was dedicated to the public that filled the square with a " I can not promise that all success in life, but we all have the same opportunities to succeed. Good Night and Good Luck ".
should also be reflected in the chronic taurine valise as Gaspar Llamazares (IU), 'Escañito Pelao' or Rosa Díez, " The Biscayne ", strongly expressed his desire to jump into the ring, eager to try to reach the glory, the end it was better not allow it: last night was not a capea or calves to which they usually go, but a run in all rule in which exposed to dress in mourning for their families.
was a spectacular evening, a run legendary, unforgettable. While both had some skilled cogida, lo cierto es que Mariano Rajoy Brey , ‘Marianillo de los Hilillos’ , fue el más revolcado. Su taleguilla blanca terminó amarronada y no precisamente por el color terrizo del albero… Se ve que ya no está en tan buena forma, que debe retirarse de los ruedos al igual que sus coetáneos y dar la alternativa a alguien de su “escuela”. Aunque siempre puede seguir vinculado al mundo de la tauromaquia trabajando como bombero-torero…
No obstante, teniendo como antecedentes las corridas benéficas con las que nos deleitaron en el Congreso esta legislatura (los debates sobre el estado de la Nación, por ejemplo), estaba claro quién iba a llevarse the cheers and back with both ears and tail: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero , 'El Niño of Mood' . Sure next week will be polishing their technique to get out on the shoulders of the front door of 9 March.
Migrating Pokemon From Emerald To Soul Silver
At the 25 th anniversary of the adoption of our Constitution, should make a stop on the way to be aware that all reflect on how far we've come and where we are going in future. Perhaps there are those who reflect, even on how far we would come under other conditions, but it is trivial to think what would take place now in our region in any ranking if they had made different choices in the course of our short life as an Autonomous Community. The people of Extremadura, through the institutions for which we are governed democratically, decided in the last 25 years with very good crierio what you want to be where you want to be and where you go ...
would be impossible to state here and now all we have made progress in this quarter century, arguably the most important and fruitful period de nuestra historia en lo que al desarrollo social, político y económico se refiere y del que debemos sentirnos tremendamente orgullosos. Yo lo resumiría de la siguiente manera: SI ANTES EXTREMADURA ERA PUNTO DE PARTIDA PARA LLEGAR A CUALQUIER LUGAR, AHORA TODOS LOS CAMINOS APUNTAN HACIA EXTREMADURA . Somos dueños de nuestro destino; no sólo somos lo que somos, sino "lo que queremos ser" : esta es hoy nuestra principal seña de identidad regional, el 'hecho diferencial' que debemos asimilar y poner en alza dentro de una España unida en lo diverso y regida por la Constitución de 1978.
Desde la convicción de que el Estatuto, al igual que la Constitución, is only an instrument that governs our lives together, one can only begin to raise their awareness of legal text-as-is sacred and untouchable, and we must adjust their content to the social reality we live today. Hopefully in the coming months, after the celebrations approval, put us to work to achieve the necessary social and political consensus for further reform.
And twenty-five years may be relatively much in the way of a city in Extremadura, but they are nothing for a region like Extremadura ...
reproduce, then the Article 1 of the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura approved by the Organic Law 1 / 1983 of February 25, as amended by LO 5 / 1991 of March 13, LO 8 / 1994 of 24 March LO 12/1999 of 6 May. (BOE no. 49 of 26.02.1983, no. 63, 14.3.1991, no. 72 of 25.03.1994 and no. 109, 07/05/1999):
1. Extremadura, as an expression of historical regional identity within the indissoluble unity of the English nation is constituted as an autonomous community in accordance with the English Constitution and this Statute, which is its basic institutional law.
2. The Autonomous Community of Extremadura, through democratic institutions, assumes the exercise of regional self-government, the defense of their own identity and values \u200b\u200band improving and promoting the welfare of Extremadura.
3. The powers of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura emanate from the people, the Constitution and this Statute.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Quotes For Facebook Status
I just finished reading the book 's Manual on the company blog written by Alberto Ortiz de Zárate , and I found a good exercise in synthesis studies of the business blogosphere. As we have said many times, it is difficult to write about it without having to stop again and again resort to well-known examples, the happy chart Technorati April 2007 (10 months have passed and the way the blogosphere grows no I think there's anything real) and try to convince management of the so-called Enterprise 2.0 that change is not only good but necessary.

I found particularly interesting that Alberto offers the possibility to buy it for 12 € in paper format or download in PDF format. And so, after spending € 31 on The great guide of blogs and endlessly pissed off with loose its contents, to thank you first read what the author wants to tell, before turning to him in my library ...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Landscaping Slogans Business
the January-April the Journal Dialogues, which devotes particular blogs. After reading in detail all items that have had the good sense to put into PDF format with free download, my feeling is bittersweet. Unless the item Lara Tischler, accurate as ever in his analysis of the educational blogosphere, the rest I found to continue to focus on "issue blog" in the classical tradition and perhaps already known: the story of the blogosphere, which comes, as it has been here, there few blogs according to Technorati, how important they are as a means of expression, their differences with the media traditional media ...

scares me and also gives me hope. That means that there is much do and write in our language on the corporate blogosphere, that which is struggling to take off, but every day will have more need to make use of the vaunted Web 2.0 and all its tools.
Nevertheless, a complete job and can open new ideas to those less familiar with the matter ...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What Do People Put In The Nose To Make It Pointer
The problem with doing a thesis on Web 2.0 and the blogosphere is that it is hard not to talk about it. Your friends, your family and, of course, your students. It is not easy to give examples lived, at least not for me. You tend to use the classic, manual. You put the example of Kryptonite , appointments at all hours and Digg Meneame , shows examples cited dozens of times and you focus on a message: Internet users have their say, the conversation flows freely.
The real difficulty, however, continues to reside in the test. In it you will not have or what you read. To feel it and see for yourself. And that's what happened today with this blog. A blog with an average of four and half day visit. A personal blog so that only my students, not all known. And for a tantrum. A post result of bad blood at the injustice I experienced last Saturday. And then ... ZAP! visits and more visits.

Meneame I visit often. But until recently I have not registered. And things are still hard for me to understand much part of its operation (that of karma is beyond me.) I have read total strangers to reviewing what I wrote. Pissed off with my spelling mistakes (thanks to the speed that leads to dire shape quickly and quietly not to review). Arguing for and against, in a communication exercise with virtually at the same time from the tangible reality, grandiose.
I'm not naive. Is that visits to this blog are flower of a day. But despite that, besides getting them without asking, checking my assumptions about the power of the blogosphere, have made my ego will see increased as never before.
Of course, if you read the post "popular" do not fail to see the video of the protagonists. And enjoy his music. I really excited from the start. So perhaps you too ...
How Much Does On Eye Exams Cost At Shopko?
been three years analyzing blogs, so an important part of my PhD is about. But I have not been able to find the touchstone that differentiate it from a book more or less informative. The "State of the Question" supports the goal of working well, but the main hypothesis testing, one in which I argue that the use of blogs improving communication skills of the company and incorporates a turning point in Knowledge Management, is not entirely as I would like.
Fortunately, when I ran aground in the thesis there are other options, and I think this will come for the simplest solution, navigate to new oceans, interconnected with the initial work. Hence, a time now I'm taking my research to the environment of online training, more advanced and well related studies. I think I have finally the summit idea, that you lose sleep and you can build the model or prototype worthy to be presented in a doctoral thesis defense.

incorporated within the work, as it can not be otherwise, more tools "webdoscerismo" especially the social networks that are so fashionable a while now. I started at the time using Orkut , I left early, to feel a stranger among many Brazilians. Hence
jumped on MySpace, where the seemingly chaotic environment usually with too much noise, I have obtained good results in the tests I've done. I discovered that to take advantage of a network must have a goal. Whether actively meet people, become the most popular person or "talk about your book." With my MySpace 've seen a promotional tool, in this case my radio program, which allows interaction with other actors worthy of study.
also use Facebook . Or rather I have an account active on the network some fashion. I begin to see some interest groups that work, but have not achieved the promised satisfaction. Possibly because my goal was initially "chafardeo" and he ends up boring.
I'm playing with Tuenti . The network that is crazy to my students. Many have migrated from Hi5 and have incorporated it into their daily search of new relationships, new contacts. In essence it offers nothing new. You can search by universities and other research centers, including up areas why users report out. Browse the photos of cute guys and girls who have no problem to appear as they really are (how far was the joke dogs). Send messages and comment on photos. The usual. And a lot. Most of my guys are there. No Comment Posted. Do not pay to be there. Do not worry as it is built. Or what technology makes it possible to tag photos. Not even if you can keep as long term business model without too much room for profit. Do not worry because it is easy to use and meets your expectations.
best thing is that many of them expressed no interest on business issues, much less technical. They use it because it's easy, fun and serves to what they want. Now the challenge for me is whether I can move the model to the field of e-learning. For now, works like those of David Delgado on Elgg open my tracks, I give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere we go. The worst thing is that in ten days I need to have prepared the final layout.
Now the question arises again, will the final step to finish a happy time with the thesis?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Super Strong Spaghetti Bridge
Saturday night rock concert. Good friends of my side project, I invite all his affection. There are no children. Toni and Rose care for his precious five year old daughter and worry about it while climbing on the tables, pulling their parents present for their love of music. Hard workers, like millions of English, who religiously pay their taxes, direct and indirect. Living his professional life as any of us and that create. Because it leads into the music bug, communication, since time immemorial men and women do sing and dance, for the mere pleasure of it, to feel good with his spirit, sharing with others. Nothing new, on the other side.
700 euros it cost to rent the room. A great concert venue near Madrid that allows you to display their art in sound conditions. Too big to fill, but still at least have the luxury of sounding like they want. Attendees pay 5 € each. Few, many friends and family. And others who have managed to meet the band through its MySpace and have come to buy her album, self-produced outside the mainstream of traditional companies, and with superb sound.
not belong to any society of rights. Do not even feel the need or want. But here's the response of the room is clear: 10% of the proceeds go to SGAE. Tell me and again me unworthy to obfuscation. The mob continued to attack with impunity. No, do not subsidize the musicians with 10% of the costs of action, like a sucker could ever dream of. These aids are not in their politics. Nor does the thought of music, that noble art practiced by humans since we can remember. Collected based on fear of the rooms, in the helplessness of the musicians. And not just for playing. Also make copies of your own record of your creature, and again taxed for income will be distributed XXI Century English Capone.
Again and again I see those responsible to release apocalyptic messages. Indecent falsehoods, as they exist to protect creators. What creators? and above all why? Forums poison, handle all means at its disposal, publicly threaten and shameless, without anyone to stop them. And still get someone to think that they, the simple ballad collectors and talent lacking, are the guardians of culture. I wonder
Until then! How long we will continue to maintain the rule of fear, these white collar criminals, these extortionists who profit from and play with other people's money, with dreams, creativity, and ultimately, with art and culture. Breaking
fear. Denounce. Fight. Let pedagogy. Explain to everyone that the mafia in Spain there and have names. Down with the empire of these blackmailers. Freedom, creativity, culture and English society we deserve, we need it.
Super Post that I had gone from Jorge Cortell. How to edit a record without going through the SGAE and the "Customer." Worth reading. SGAE
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Formal Dresses With Flat Shoes
Genbeta In solidarity with and Meneame (not being the only) by the DDoS attack who are suffering from various lammers not agree with a particular post, I also believe it is necessary to publish:
Want to know who have blocked / deleted on MSN? They do not give your password to strangers
seems incredible that after so long (years!) The invention of this fraud there are still people who keep falling into it. It is very simple, and sure many know him, is simply pages that offer the service to show you who you is blocked or deleted you from Mésenyer in return you give them your data connection, ie your username and password. I thought this business was already more than dead, but today a couple of my contacts I have jumped with the typical window that I access one of these pages for me to read the future .
As a general rule, give the password to your email to someone outside your family and technological is suicide, and in this case would be like giving the password to your credit card to a stranger for show you the money you have. Want to know what they do? Most pages, then to show that information, connect to your account several times a day to annoy all your contacts with blatant spam. Worse, it can clog your account and not unlikely that the loss forever, or at least the connection is terrible. So you know, do not give your password to any website, or infringes the consequences.
Of course, you want to know who is not supported! Surprise: these sites, besides being dangerous, not work. Microsoft changed the protocol for some time that the msn servers did not divulge this information. Before he could, but now can not even know state of another person without that she will invite / support or without knowing the password of the account (without changing the account settings.) Without digging too much, some fraudulent sites follow this practice are:,,,,, blockstatus, etc ... All of them are potential phishing , and none operates beyond collecting mailboxes. Sorry
advanced readers who have already outgrown this kind of facile tricks long ago, but today I reconnected to the messenger liability and I've noticed that things have changed very little.
Discussion Meneame
The blogosphere united against these undesirables. If they want war ... WAR!!
If you have a blog ... publish!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Bible Black New Testament Free Streaming
is time for exams, the time that the teachers have to exercise University of palaeography to identify what we want to tell our students and is also the time when we must self-criticism, because if do not give a there are only two solutions: the degree of "socks" is sublime, or have been us that uploaded to our obtuse apex, we have failed to convey what we really wanted to learn.
And right now I have cards that you take a moment here to read the paper, this activity increasingly uncomfortable and awkward, especially if you have to pay, "why would you buy a newspaper, if you give them free" is the mantra repeated by my sweet kids over and over again. Open the Business supplement of El Pais and you find "The Firm." In this case, that of Francisco González, Chairman of BBVA, lecturing on Internet and Web 2.0.

spears you eager for new, crazy to see how to the presidents of banks and conservatives are thrown around the "wes" and you're stunned. Text begins with a quotation, as it should be in the large. Borges, El Aleph, to be exact. A bit trite, but hey, it denotes more culture than the "company" that would Enrique Dans. And from there, the wisdom
"Internet, therefore, has gone from being a tool or a channel that helps us to work in space physical , to be a great platform, a new virtual space rapidly expanding and continually changing, much less controllable than the physical space, and where Creativity reigns. A space with its own laws, and is dramatically expanding the horizon of possibilities for people.
But the virtual space is becoming more closely connected with the physical. The main link is the many millions of people every day, go online via computer, mobile ... for increasingly varied applications: information, communication, sales, employment, leisure ... Internet is an everyday for people, increasingly integrated into their way of life and influences, increasingly, in their activities, behaviors and expectations. "
Ummm, well, heady claim. No doubt the result of an analysis of hundreds of documents and a Research Department shrewd.
"The big challenge we have to answer all businesses today is how to develop a strategy, business model and product offering that integrates the most appropriate way the two spaces, physical and virtual. And the most appropriate way is one that fits each client, ie personalization.
Internet allows companies to reach a previously unthinkable degree of customization of products and services, meets the needs, demands and peculiarities of each person. This is true not only because the combination of the Internet to computer brings together much more and better information on people instantly-and process-but because they themselves are actively involved in the task of defining the products they want. "
Phew, finally someone enlighten companies. It was time to leave his blindness.
"the great challenge for banks is to become an Aleph for people who are their clients. A Aleph put to it, at one point, all his aspirations. This is not a utopia. Some are already working on it, and it's closer than we think. Because, thanks to the platform, many things previously unthinkable is actually going to do to improve the quality of life of people. "Fascinating
this work to be taken hours, nay, weeks to be written for such a conclusion. Anyway, as I am a mother, I'll pass. But to write it, you do not get a bank president (or maybe it is ...?)
Internet, a new space for people
Francisco González (Chairman of BBVA)
El País, Supplement Business , Sunday February 3, 2008 Direct Link