been three years analyzing blogs, so an important part of my PhD is about. But I have not been able to find the touchstone that differentiate it from a book more or less informative. The "State of the Question" supports the goal of working well, but the main hypothesis testing, one in which I argue that the use of blogs improving communication skills of the company and incorporates a turning point in Knowledge Management, is not entirely as I would like.
Fortunately, when I ran aground in the thesis there are other options, and I think this will come for the simplest solution, navigate to new oceans, interconnected with the initial work. Hence, a time now I'm taking my research to the environment of online training, more advanced and well related studies. I think I have finally the summit idea, that you lose sleep and you can build the model or prototype worthy to be presented in a doctoral thesis defense.

incorporated within the work, as it can not be otherwise, more tools "webdoscerismo" especially the social networks that are so fashionable a while now. I started at the time using Orkut , I left early, to feel a stranger among many Brazilians. Hence
jumped on MySpace, where the seemingly chaotic environment usually with too much noise, I have obtained good results in the tests I've done. I discovered that to take advantage of a network must have a goal. Whether actively meet people, become the most popular person or "talk about your book." With my MySpace 've seen a promotional tool, in this case my radio program, which allows interaction with other actors worthy of study.
also use Facebook . Or rather I have an account active on the network some fashion. I begin to see some interest groups that work, but have not achieved the promised satisfaction. Possibly because my goal was initially "chafardeo" and he ends up boring.
I'm playing with Tuenti . The network that is crazy to my students. Many have migrated from Hi5 and have incorporated it into their daily search of new relationships, new contacts. In essence it offers nothing new. You can search by universities and other research centers, including up areas why users report out. Browse the photos of cute guys and girls who have no problem to appear as they really are (how far was the joke dogs). Send messages and comment on photos. The usual. And a lot. Most of my guys are there. No Comment Posted. Do not pay to be there. Do not worry as it is built. Or what technology makes it possible to tag photos. Not even if you can keep as long term business model without too much room for profit. Do not worry because it is easy to use and meets your expectations.
best thing is that many of them expressed no interest on business issues, much less technical. They use it because it's easy, fun and serves to what they want. Now the challenge for me is whether I can move the model to the field of e-learning. For now, works like those of David Delgado on Elgg open my tracks, I give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere we go. The worst thing is that in ten days I need to have prepared the final layout.
Now the question arises again, will the final step to finish a happy time with the thesis?
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