the January-April the Journal Dialogues, which devotes particular blogs. After reading in detail all items that have had the good sense to put into PDF format with free download, my feeling is bittersweet. Unless the item Lara Tischler, accurate as ever in his analysis of the educational blogosphere, the rest I found to continue to focus on "issue blog" in the classical tradition and perhaps already known: the story of the blogosphere, which comes, as it has been here, there few blogs according to Technorati, how important they are as a means of expression, their differences with the media traditional media ...

scares me and also gives me hope. That means that there is much do and write in our language on the corporate blogosphere, that which is struggling to take off, but every day will have more need to make use of the vaunted Web 2.0 and all its tools.
Nevertheless, a complete job and can open new ideas to those less familiar with the matter ...
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