I just finished reading the book 's Manual on the company blog written by Alberto Ortiz de Zárate , and I found a good exercise in synthesis studies of the business blogosphere. As we have said many times, it is difficult to write about it without having to stop again and again resort to well-known examples, the happy chart Technorati April 2007 (10 months have passed and the way the blogosphere grows no I think there's anything real) and try to convince management of the so-called Enterprise 2.0 that change is not only good but necessary.

I found particularly interesting that Alberto offers the possibility to buy it for 12 € in paper format or download in PDF format. And so, after spending € 31 on The great guide of blogs and endlessly pissed off with loose its contents, to thank you first read what the author wants to tell, before turning to him in my library ... Now available
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