Right-handers did not need more presentation. As there was no need to wait to see the end of the debate last night to dictate which of them deserves to leave through the front door, and who the angry and pads of the majority of the electorate who were glued to the television last night.
The evening looks promising. The Academy of Television company to set up the run, is very deeply involved in preparations for the "National Day" . The expectation was that in recent weeks, which is sold out until at resale. The modern covered market was crowded, but the other day in Valencia, and millions of viewers copamos all lines to witness the biggest bullfighting event of democracy in the past three decades. The respective attorneys agreed to the smallest Details from the draw for the bulls to the color and ornamentation of the capes of paseíllo ... In addition, the two killers and their retinues, and the environment had been warming in recent days.
and started the run with the approval of the Presidency, this time was more clueless than 15 years ago in the moderation of the fight. The bullpen door opened and both had to struggle to equal the number of cattle farms: economic and employment, social affairs, foreign and security policy, institutional policies and future challenges. Sounded the bugle and teachers, acting as a junior and biting, left the arena to be heard.
Rajoy In the first third went in, cape in hand struggle, trying to harass directly and running your first lot of sticks, criticized the performance of the economy and accuses the Government encizañar society. For his part, Zapatero has not lost the nerve and stops the bull after a parry by chicuelinas him, while right-wing opposition has been dedicated to twitching and cursing, the figures show that the slowdown "world" not to nick the economic growth country.
They sound the trumpets and timpani in the second third and Rajoy runs its predictable and tiresome kind of flags: ETA terrorism, immigration mass and the break up of Spain, despite the blast of the public in the stands, the "bull" of terrorism was not returned to the pens. The Prime Minister, as a great figure of bullfighting which is, again gave example and withstood the onslaught veronicas, recalled the hundreds of people killed by ETA and the 11-M that was in the legislature in 2000-2004, compared to 4 ETA killings, refreshed his memory on the legalization of immigrants with "bono-bus" in the stage of Aznar and the Popular Party accused of using the Statute of Catalonia to destabilize government institutions for partisan purposes.
the end sounds the last change of pace and right-handers were at about the fate supreme. Rajoy was determined to continue fighting bulls with terrorism by using their victims, and sword in hand called the vote by stressing the idea of \u200b\u200bSpain. For his part, Zapatero came to kill with his sword to advocate for artists and scientists (mentioning the 'Oscar-winning' Javier Bardem), committing to improve and expand social rights and by Spain to defend "peace and equality in the world ", after finish the job, was dedicated to the public that filled the square with a " I can not promise that all success in life, but we all have the same opportunities to succeed. Good Night and Good Luck ".
should also be reflected in the chronic taurine valise as Gaspar Llamazares (IU), 'Escañito Pelao' or Rosa Díez, " The Biscayne ", strongly expressed his desire to jump into the ring, eager to try to reach the glory, the end it was better not allow it: last night was not a capea or calves to which they usually go, but a run in all rule in which exposed to dress in mourning for their families.
was a spectacular evening, a run legendary, unforgettable. While both had some skilled cogida, lo cierto es que Mariano Rajoy Brey , ‘Marianillo de los Hilillos’ , fue el más revolcado. Su taleguilla blanca terminó amarronada y no precisamente por el color terrizo del albero… Se ve que ya no está en tan buena forma, que debe retirarse de los ruedos al igual que sus coetáneos y dar la alternativa a alguien de su “escuela”. Aunque siempre puede seguir vinculado al mundo de la tauromaquia trabajando como bombero-torero…
No obstante, teniendo como antecedentes las corridas benéficas con las que nos deleitaron en el Congreso esta legislatura (los debates sobre el estado de la Nación, por ejemplo), estaba claro quién iba a llevarse the cheers and back with both ears and tail: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero , 'El Niño of Mood' . Sure next week will be polishing their technique to get out on the shoulders of the front door of 9 March.
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