is time for exams, the time that the teachers have to exercise University of palaeography to identify what we want to tell our students and is also the time when we must self-criticism, because if do not give a there are only two solutions: the degree of "socks" is sublime, or have been us that uploaded to our obtuse apex, we have failed to convey what we really wanted to learn.
And right now I have cards that you take a moment here to read the paper, this activity increasingly uncomfortable and awkward, especially if you have to pay, "why would you buy a newspaper, if you give them free" is the mantra repeated by my sweet kids over and over again. Open the Business supplement of El Pais and you find "The Firm." In this case, that of Francisco González, Chairman of BBVA, lecturing on Internet and Web 2.0.

spears you eager for new, crazy to see how to the presidents of banks and conservatives are thrown around the "wes" and you're stunned. Text begins with a quotation, as it should be in the large. Borges, El Aleph, to be exact. A bit trite, but hey, it denotes more culture than the "company" that would Enrique Dans. And from there, the wisdom
"Internet, therefore, has gone from being a tool or a channel that helps us to work in space physical , to be a great platform, a new virtual space rapidly expanding and continually changing, much less controllable than the physical space, and where Creativity reigns. A space with its own laws, and is dramatically expanding the horizon of possibilities for people.
But the virtual space is becoming more closely connected with the physical. The main link is the many millions of people every day, go online via computer, mobile ... for increasingly varied applications: information, communication, sales, employment, leisure ... Internet is an everyday for people, increasingly integrated into their way of life and influences, increasingly, in their activities, behaviors and expectations. "
Ummm, well, heady claim. No doubt the result of an analysis of hundreds of documents and a Research Department shrewd.
"The big challenge we have to answer all businesses today is how to develop a strategy, business model and product offering that integrates the most appropriate way the two spaces, physical and virtual. And the most appropriate way is one that fits each client, ie personalization.
Internet allows companies to reach a previously unthinkable degree of customization of products and services, meets the needs, demands and peculiarities of each person. This is true not only because the combination of the Internet to computer brings together much more and better information on people instantly-and process-but because they themselves are actively involved in the task of defining the products they want. "
Phew, finally someone enlighten companies. It was time to leave his blindness.
"the great challenge for banks is to become an Aleph for people who are their clients. A Aleph put to it, at one point, all his aspirations. This is not a utopia. Some are already working on it, and it's closer than we think. Because, thanks to the platform, many things previously unthinkable is actually going to do to improve the quality of life of people. "Fascinating
this work to be taken hours, nay, weeks to be written for such a conclusion. Anyway, as I am a mother, I'll pass. But to write it, you do not get a bank president (or maybe it is ...?)
Internet, a new space for people
Francisco González (Chairman of BBVA)
El País, Supplement Business , Sunday February 3, 2008 Direct Link
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