Monday, February 25, 2008

Migrating Pokemon From Emerald To Soul Silver

25 years are nothing

Many as Extremadura / as now remember where they were and what they did that on 25 February. There are also many / as those who are still fresh in his memory in 1983 by what happened in it and what it meant in their lives. I was not even born (I was conceived months later), but I guess my family that day finalizing preparations for the wedding of my parents, which took place just the day after (26 February), which was when it enacted the Statute of Autonomy Extremadura. Do not even know if they themselves were aware at the time of the adoption in Madrid of this Organic Act would be vital for the future development of our region and for the welfare and progress of the generation that I belong today.

At the 25 th anniversary of the adoption of our Constitution, should make a stop on the way to be aware that all reflect on how far we've come and where we are going in future. Perhaps there are those who reflect, even on how far we would come under other conditions, but it is trivial to think what would take place now in our region in any ranking if they had made different choices in the course of our short life as an Autonomous Community. The people of Extremadura, through the institutions for which we are governed democratically, decided in the last 25 years with very good crierio what you want to be where you want to be and where you go ...

would be impossible to state here and now all we have made progress in this quarter century, arguably the most important and fruitful period de nuestra historia en lo que al desarrollo social, político y económico se refiere y del que debemos sentirnos tremendamente orgullosos. Yo lo resumiría de la siguiente manera: SI ANTES EXTREMADURA ERA PUNTO DE PARTIDA PARA LLEGAR A CUALQUIER LUGAR, AHORA TODOS LOS CAMINOS APUNTAN HACIA EXTREMADURA . Somos dueños de nuestro destino; no sólo somos lo que somos, sino "lo que queremos ser" : esta es hoy nuestra principal seña de identidad regional, el 'hecho diferencial' que debemos asimilar y poner en alza dentro de una España unida en lo diverso y regida por la Constitución de 1978.

Desde la convicción de que el Estatuto, al igual que la Constitución, is only an instrument that governs our lives together, one can only begin to raise their awareness of legal text-as-is sacred and untouchable, and we must adjust their content to the social reality we live today. Hopefully in the coming months, after the celebrations
approval, put us to work to achieve the necessary social and political consensus for further reform.

And twenty-five years may be relatively much in the way of a city in Extremadura, but they are nothing for a region like Extremadura ...

reproduce, then the Article 1 of the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura approved by the Organic Law 1 / 1983 of February 25, as amended by LO 5 / 1991 of March 13, LO 8 / 1994 of 24 March LO 12/1999 of 6 May. (BOE no. 49 of 26.02.1983, no. 63, 14.3.1991, no. 72 of 25.03.1994 and no. 109, 07/05/1999):

1. Extremadura, as an expression of historical regional identity within the indissoluble unity of the English nation is constituted as an autonomous community in accordance with the English Constitution and this Statute, which is its basic institutional law.
2. The Autonomous Community of Extremadura, through democratic institutions, assumes the exercise of regional self-government, the defense of their own identity and values \u200b\u200band improving and promoting the welfare of Extremadura.
3. The powers of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura emanate from the people, the Constitution and this Statute.


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